Cheese cake.exe

Cheese cake.exe
I was once lived in Cambridge UK. But no I have died in it.
You probably won’t believe my story as no one else did. My friends called me
crazy. But everything I say is true. I was 16. I went into the woods one time
as I was board and my computer was charging. It was cold so I was wearing
leather jeans and a team fortress 2 shirt undernieth a legend of Zelda hoodie
under a black coat. I was also weiring blue converse trainers and black socks
to keep my foots warm. As I was walking I saw a something shiney on the ground
under a pile of leaves. I dug it up and found a disk for cd. It had CHEese
CAKE.eXe written on it with a black and red sharpy.
Since I ddindt’t have many game I brought it hom and put int
into my computer cd drive. As I put it on my cd drive it made a load pixely
noise and smoke was cumming out. The smoke smelt just like red pixels, as if to
be red pixel blood. As it started a piture of a cheese cake apeard on my
computer sceern. It was a cheese cake, I like cheese cake, but not this one. I
had a strawberry on top. And the strawberry was red BLOOD. A message popped up
on the screen in a red chiller font saying “I am cheese cake. I am people”.
Then the chease cake grew ghostly hands and grabbed me in the brain. It started
to pull my soul out of my body. As it got my soul I saw my lifeless body flop
to the floor like a dead fish. A man then whent to my house and picked up my
body. He then opened rhe door and dragged my body to the cheese cake factory.
I am cheesecake. I was people.